Young Update February 19, 2014

DEAR FRIENDS:  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! We can’t say this too much!

Through all these years you have been faithful and we are grateful.

Here’s what your generosity has accomplished:

  1. 1.       You helped 6 students at all levels from junior high and high school to technical courses in computer, to B.S. courses in IT. Because of you Priscilla Alhassan was able to continue medical school at UDS in Tamale.
  2. 2.       Because of you, Hudu Ussif got his heart check-ups on time and Musah Braimah got a new prosthetic leg. Musah rides a bike across Tamale to his computer course. December 10 marked 10 years since Hudu had his operation! What a blessing! And Hudu and his father are both still Christians. It was the love shown by local Christians that convinced Ussif, Hudu’s father, to accept Christ.
  3. 3.       Because of you, Christians in several small villages received the encouragement they needed to keep following the Lord. Our friend J.K. Mohammmed was faithfully pastoring several small churches when his 22 year old motorcycle fell apart. Thanks to you, J.K. got a new motorcycle (Apsonic), allowing him to keep faith with these new believers.
  4. 4.       Because of you, Jean could mentor Dr. Jeana Shelley and Dr. Tabie Williams, as well as 17 medical students from Creighton University.
  5. 5.       Because of you, Moses Eyal, head nurse for pediatrics at SMC, was able to pursue a one – year specialty course in pediatric nursing. Moses is back at SMC.
  6. 6.       Because of you, Shepherd Tinab was able to pursue training as an eye nurse and have the equipment he needed for his course.
  7. 7.       Because of you, Pastor Jonah Manyan and Pastor Alhassan Fuseini (Big Man) got help for their ministries when they needed it. (Both have other sources of support as well, but there are those needs that come up as emergencies that must be addressed immediately.)
  8. 8.       Because of you, we were able to return to the U.S. so that Jean could prepare for and pass her recertification boards and also re-certify as an instructor in Advanced Trauma Life Support.


January – February –We get trained in Community Health Evangelism and return to Ghana.

March – AprilDr. Jeana Shelley and her husband Pastor Josh Shelley worked with us for two months. Pastor Josh helped revitalize the hospital chaplaincy program while Dr. Jeana was part of a real miracle. While Jean was at a meeting in early April, a little girl was referred to Tamale with a hole in her intestines from typhoid. When the patient returned to us 2 weeks later, she was draining feces from two places on her abdomen and looked like a skeleton. Dr. Jeana rallied the staff and encouraged them to do several small high – calorie feedings a day so that the little girl could get well enough to have the holes in her intestine closed. But there was another problem. This little girl’s parents were from a small village and had used all their money trying to care for this little girl in Tamale. It was your donations that helped these caring parents to feed themselves while their daughter was recovering. This picture shows our patient and her father when she came back for a follow-up visit.

May – June – SMC hosted two more CURA teams from Creighton University in Omaha. The teams focused on public education on typhoid and other sanitation – related problems, as well as donating much needed items to the hospital. July– Dr. Tabie Williams (seen below in the group photo with Ishmael) returned for 4 weeks to assist us before starting her Family Practice residency in U.K. As usual, Dr. Tabie was an incredible help, especially to our Maternity section. August – We tied up loose ends before our departure for the U.S. September –November We left Ghana September 2, arriving September 3rd. We returned so that Jean could study for and sit her re-certification boards in General Surgery. Remember that Jean does not have access to modern high tech equipment and must make do with equipment and procedures that were used before all the scopes, etc., came into use. As Jean studied, the biggest fear she had was that she might have a major senior moment in the middle of the exam, similar to the gentleman in this cartoon. At the same time Jean re-certified as an instructor in Advanced Trauma Life Support so that she would be able to return to Ghana and help teach ATLS to others. The Pediatric Surgery Department of LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis also welcomed Jean to their conferences.

BobWhile Jean was studying, Bob was volunteering at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital. Bob also took advantage of the wonderful men’s programs at Getwell Road United Methodist in Southaven, MS. Teams from GRUMC have been coming to SMC and to the Local Council of Churches in Saboba since 2005 and are returning to Saboba in September 2014.

December – Jean’s Exam and Our Accident – December 6th Jean called SMC and learned that Ishmael Jalulah, our head OR nurse was critically ill. We rallied as much prayer support as we could, but it was too late. Ishmael died December 9, leaving his young wife Gifty and his baby son Christian. (See Ishamael’s pictures at the end of this letter.)

December 10, 2013, marked the 10 year anniversary of Hudu Ussif’s heart operation. After nearly dying before the surgery, Hudu has completely recovered. Your donations have made it possible for Hudu to have his heart checkups and to go to school. Hudu will graduate from high school this year. Here Hudu and his father pray in church shortly after his heart surgery in 2003.

On December 12 Jean sat her recertification board exam in General Surgery. (She passed!!!PTL!) Blessedly, there were no senior moments. The next day our vehicle was struck by an oncoming car in a heavy snowstorm. Jean tore back muscles and Bob cracked ribs, forcing us to delay our return to Ghana by two months. That two month delay has allowed us to solidify our relationships with both Evangel Bible Translators and Christian Health Service Corps.  We are now working with both groups. We return to Ghana March 1, 2014.


Evangel Bible Translators, PO Box 0669, Rockwall, TX 75087-0669

Christian Health Service Corps, PO Box 132, Fruitvale, TX 75127 Go to the “Missionaries” tab on the home page. If you are donating by check to either group, include a note indicating for Bob and Jean Young support.

WE ALSO NEED PRAYER! FRESH ZEAL! FRESH FIRE! FRESH ANOINTING! STRENGTH TO MATCH OUR DAYS! PROTECTION BOTH PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY! Please continue to claim God’s protection for us. “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” 1 Corinthians 16:9

This letter is dedicated to Ishmael N. Jalulah, one of the best theatre nurses SMC has ever had. Ishmael died at the age of 28 with a liver disorder of unknown type on December 9, 2013. The two photos are of Ishmael and his wife Gifty as they dedicated their little boy Christian last April and of Ishmael with some volunteers from Creighton University Medical School. Ishmael was a friend, a colleague, a Christian brother, and a son to us. Ishmael was one of the bright young nurses whom we hoped would lead the hospital forward; his passing has left a hole in our hearts.

Ishmael with CURA volunteers and Dr. Tabie ***

Ishmael with Dr. Tabie and CURA volunteers, summer of 2013

Ishmael with Dr. Tabie and CURA volunteers, summer of 2013

Naming ceremony for Ishmael's son Christian, April 2013

Naming ceremony for Ishmael’s son Christian, April 2013

 Ishmael, Gifty, and Christian   We are blessed to have other nurses, Ishmael’s colleagues, who are still with us and who are helping move things forward

Hudu and His Father, Christmas 2003

Hudu and Ussif in church Christmas morning 2003


Our typhoid patient and her father after her recovery

7 y/o girl and her father Summer of 2013

7 y/o girl and her father Summer of 2013

My BIGGEST FEAR as to what would happen during my surgery board exam! 

My biggest fear for what would happen during my surgery exam

My biggest fear for what would happen during my surgery exam

. Thanks for loving, caring, praying, and giving! Remember, there’s always “Victory in Jesus!”

Love, Bob and Jean Young “For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His Life a Ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28

Our Contact Information: Facebook: www.jean.a.young E-mail: US Phone Numbers: 309 945 7474 (Bob) 309 945 7720(Jean) Ghana Phone Numbers: Bob: 011-233-244-996692; 011-20-574-6206; Jean: 011-233-244-444387; 011-233-20-4934208 (You can text us.)

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