1 Peter 3:7 “Husbands, in the same way, treat your wives with consideration as a delicate vessel, and with honor as fellow heirs of the gracious gift of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.”

Imagine that you are sitting in the congregation when this letter was first read. Up to this point, the men in the group are elbowing one another and saying, “Boy! My wife had better listen up!” (Men generally sat to gether in one group while women sat together in another group, a hold – over from the practice at the synagogues.)

“In the same way…” In WHAT same way? Well, in verse 1 of chapter 3, Peter advises the wives to copy Jesus’ example of submission and willingness to suffer abuse, so that unbelieving husbands would be won without a word by pure and reverent behavior. Now Peter is advising husbands that they too should behave in purity and reverence, treating their wives with consideration.


Years ago, Graham Kerr was a famous media celebrity known as “The Galloping Gourmet.” Kerr had his own radio and TV programs and a column that appeared in many newspapers. Treena produced Graham’s programs. The Kerrs were rich and famous…but Treena Kerr, Graham’s wife, was desperately unhappy. Addicted to drugs and alcohol, Treena Kerr was nearly at the point of being hospitalized for depression. And then Ruthie, their African American maid, asked Treena, “Mrs. Kerr, why don’t you give your life to God?” (Ruthie had been praying and fasting for Treena to receive Jesus.) Treena not only gave her life to God, but she also got baptized, both with water and with the Holy Spirit. During that last experience, Treena says that she saw the most incredible beautiful man that she had ever seen.this: “And I opened my eyes and I saw the most incredible, beautiful man you have ever seen. The most wonderful thing about this man was this glorious smile. It was a smile that seemed to be every relationship in my life which had gone wrong. It was a smile of pure love, a mother’s love, a father’s love, a husband’s love, a children’s love. The most beautiful smile and with that smile and encompassing love. Being loved by this extraordinary beautiful person. It was also amused. I am sure He was amused about what was going on. He moves forward and He puts his hand on my heart and He disappears.”

Before accepting Jesus, Treena would go into rages and swear profusely. The slightest problem would set Treena off. But after Treena accepted Jesus, He cleaned up her heart and her mind and her mouth. Treena was taking 60 mg of Valium a day. (Most people might take 10 mg at bedtime if they were having lots of problems sleeping. These days, we try not to prescribe Valium because it’s so addictive.) Treena flushed all her pills down the toilet, and her Roman Catholic doctor told Graham that this was a miracle and that he had never seen anybody quit Valium like that without problems. Treena says that God “put a golden zipper” over her mouth and refused to allow her to criticize Graham or to react. The very fact that Treena began to speak positively and refused to criticize grabbed Graham’s attention; he was used to unending criticism and verbal abuse.

Over the course of time, Graham Kerr came to realize that the changes in his wife’s life were both real and lasting, and he himself needed those same changes. Eventually, Graham Kerr also became a Christian and together Treena and he began witnessing extensively to the way God had changed their lives. (You can read the entire story on

 After years of arguments and disagreements, the Kerrs had to learn to value each other “as fellow heirs of the precious gift of life.” They became each other’s prayer partners and prayed thousands of prayers together.

The last part of verse 7 is highly significant. What does Peter mean when he advises men to treasure their wives so that their prayers will not be hindered? Remember the Biblical principal that the measure you give out is the measure you will receive. We are to treasure and respect our spouses because that relationship is second in importance only to our relationship with God. If we want to remain in right relationship with God, we must value our spouses as fellow believers and treat them with respect and gentleness. You can’t fool God; if you are feeling superior to your spouse, God already knows it. Your lousy attitude will block the flow of God’s power in your life, unless you accept your attitude as sin, confess it, and seek God’s forgiveness and grace.

In the Kerr’s situation, Treena was the first one to become a believer; however, frequently, the reverse might be the case. We are friends with a pastor in Illinois who accepted Jesus as a 35 year old farmer. At the time, our friend’s wife wanted nothing to do with Jesus and when our friend became a Christian, his wife gave him a very tough time – “What? no drinking? no partying? You’re no fun!” But our friend kept loving and cherishing his wife and that gentleness wooed her as nothing else could have done. This family has now pastored churches for nearly 25 years, demonstrating the love of Jesus to everyone who knows them.

Our prayer for today comes straight from Graham Kerr himself:

Father, here I am. I’ve wrestled with many things in my life. Many times I have wanted to change but it has been so difficult and I’ve failed myself and those that I love most of all. Now I come. This is who I am. Search my heart out now and bathe every part of me with a wonderful light so that I can see. I ask that you would forgive me for all the things that I have done that I know must have offended you. Forgive me, please. I do believe that forgiveness is absolute. That when Jesus died for me, He died for this very moment in time. When I could claim personal contact with You because You died for me. I am so grateful. And I now promise to listen for your direction in my life. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen

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