1 Peter 3:14 – 17 “But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be shaken.”But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that you have. But respond with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who slander you may be put to shame by your good behavior in Christ. For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”

 Nobody could understand it and it really didn’t make sense! People outside the situation were sure that Joe had gone crazy! A few months ago, Joe and Patsy (not their real names) had gotten married in a very elaborate ceremony, but it rapidly became apparent that Patsy had a boyfriend. Making matters much worse, Joe, Patsy, and the boyfriend all worked in the same factory. Joe moved out of the house, filed for divorce, and went to live with his brother. But this was a terrible situation. One night, Joe nearly shot himself but changed his mind.

Then a miracle happened! Joe became a Christian. Suddenly Joe stopped swearing and stopped drinking and began reading his Bible. While at work, Joe was singing hymns and praise songs. Meanwhile, Joe’s former wife was eating fistfulls of tranquilizers and looking gloomy. Finally Joe’s foreman decided Joe must be crazy and sent Joe to see the company doctor. When the doctor asked Joe if he had any problems, Joe replied, “Well, yes, I did. But I gave them all to Jesus.” The doctor was speechless. When Joe went on to tell the doctor about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the doctor couldn’t make any comments.

There’s a whole lot about Christianity that makes no sense whatsoever! Just look at what Peter is advising here! For one thing, Christians are encouraged to suffer for what is right and not to complain. Peter says nothing about getting revenge or reparations, even if that person really has hurt you. Then to make things even harder, Peter advises that Christians who are slandered are to respond with “gentleness and respect.” “Gentleness? Respect? YOU ARE KIDDING??? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT @$#^%$&*()*^% DID TO ME? AND YOU WANT ME TO RESPECT HIM?” Well, yes, as a matter of fact, that is precisely what Peter is advising.

You see, Christians have a problem. We don’t get to copy all the stuff we see in movies or on television or on social media. Christians have only one Example: Jesus. Jesus was certainly no wimp; he was a muscular carpenter and stone mason who walked all over Galilee. But Jesus also refused to retaliate or to criticize or to hurt others. Think about it. Jesus was the Son of God. Even during Jesus’ earthly career, he could cast out demons and raise the dead and do other miracles. How difficult would it have been for Jesus to just arrange a small lightning bolt to strike some of those Pharisees and Saducees who were making things so difficult? We hear a lot about how Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, but we never think about all the subsequent temptations that Jesus must have had as he proceeded through his ministry.

Jesus wasn’t stupid; he knew what was in people’s hearts. Jesus knew that Judas was stealing from the poor box. Jesus knew what the religious leaders thought of him. Jesus even knew how his earthly career was going to end; God had already laid it all out in the Scriptures. And yet, Jesus refused to take any shortcuts, or to dodge suffering, or to eliminate those he knew would betray him. It was this very example that caused one of the Roman soldiers who was crucifying Jesus to testify that Jesus was truly the Son of God.

What Joe did even as a brand new Christian was to give that doctor a defense for the hope that he had. And this is something that every believer needs to learn how to do. A testimony doesn’t have to be eloquent, but it must be clear and heart – felt. Several years ago, I heard a talk by a Christian lawyer from Atlanta. This man didn’t accept Christ until he was in his 40’s. What caused this man to accept Jesus as Savior was the testimony of a lay speaker in a church service. This lawyer said, “If someone had delivered a smooth prepared speech, it would have done nothing. I speak for a living. But when I listened to that man that morning, I knew two things: I knew he was NOT a polished public speaker, and I knew that I needed the power that had gotten hold of him!”

PRAYER: Father God, help us to always be ready to tell what Jesus has done in our lives. Thank you for the power to change and for working in our hearts so that we will become like Jesus. Please, Lord, help us to really follow Jesus’ example at all times. It’s in Jesus’ mighty Name that we pray. Amen.

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