AUGUST 26, 2020 “WHO, ME SUFFER???”

1 Peter 4:12 – 13 “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial that has come upon you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed at the revelation of His glory.”

The church was under persecution! Peter himself was writing and visiting and counseling as much as possible, knowing that at any moment some Roman soldiers might haul him off to prison or worse. This was not a time for “pie in the sky” or “floating around on a pink cloud” Christianity. Christians were already dying for their faith, and Peter anticipated that things were about to get worse.

Throughout the world today, there are Christians who are suffering and dying for their faith. Entire congregations in northern Nigeria and Burkina Faso, Bible translators in Camerouns, Chinese Christians whose babies may be killed and whose churches are being destroyed, Christians in Sudan who have actually been crucified and have somehow survived to narrate the stories of their ordeals – no, being a Christian is not for wimps!

Peter is warning the church to listen up! Sooner or later, if you stand in opposition to sin, those committing sin will fight back. But we are to be encouraged that Jesus has already gone before us, leaving us an example. If our faith has never cost us anything, is it really faith or mere convenience?

Why should we study the example that Jesus has left us? No follower is greater than his or her leader. If Jesus has suffered, we too can expect to suffer. But in the midst of suffering, Jesus can also strengthen us and encourage us and help us so that we will be able to bear our trials.

We have been following on FaceBook the sufferings of one family of our acquaintance whose autistic daughter became extremely ill and had to be hospitalized. Due to COVID restrictions and the fact that the girl was in the ICU, the family’s time to visit was extremely limited. It became apparent that this young lady had several different kinds of infections causing her to have seizures and cardiac arrhythmias. Several times the family was in despair and called for urgent prayer. Thankfully, the girl is much better and will soon move to a rehab center. In the midst of these struggles, this family’s faith remained rock – solid and they were even encouraging the families of other patients. Only the power of God can give such faith, such assurance, and such continuing strength.

Live long enough and you will have trials. The only question is this: how will you meet those trials? May you know the grace of God, so that when your trials come, you will be able to triumph!

PRAYER: Father God, help all who read this devotional to look to you for their strength and consolation! Help them to truly know you as Savior and Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the mighty Name of King Jesus. Amen.

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