3 John 1-8 ”The elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth: Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers. For I was overjoyed when the brothers came and testified about your devotion to the truth, in which you continue to walk. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. Beloved, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, and especially since they are strangers to you. They have testified to the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. For they went out on behalf of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers for the truth.”

Yesterday we spoke about the persecuted church and the reasons that John was being very vague in his greetings in his letters. But today John is addressing this letter to Gaius! What has made the difference? First, the name “Gaius” was an extremely common Roman name, much like the name “John” or “Peter.” Second, John is still being very canny in his greetings and in his language. There is really nothing in this passage that would definitely expose Gaius as being a Christian. Those teachers he has hosted might be Zoroastrian for all you can tell from this letter. The only phrase that gives anything away is the reference to “the Gentiles.” Gaius might be presumed to be a convert to Judaism, but Rome was not worried about the Jews. Certainly, the Jews were a contentious lot who loved to argue, but in general they posed no threat to the Roman Empire. The Christians, on the other hand, were a different matter.

Here in Africa, one of the favorite choruses children sing is “We are Walking in the Light of God.” It’s a good song to use in Children’s Church, particularly when the kids need a legitimate reason to wiggle. You can get them up and let them march around the room while they sing. It’s a simple song. But many times, things of faith are also quite simple. Remember the Gnostics and their passion for secret knowledge and “special” practices. John has already admonished us that” if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7) We must study and memorize God’s Word if we want to walk in His Light and know His Truth. Even memorizing a few scriptures is very helpful. Find those that speak most to you and write them on a card or put them into your cell phone. Bible apps for cell phones are an enormous help, and many come with memorization programs as well.

Having just warned believers about false teachers, John is now commending Gaius and those working with him for the way they have helped teachers of the truth, especially those who were strangers to the local believers. Notice that these itinerant teachers have steadfastly refused to take anything from non – believers and are depending on the charity of the local church for their feeding, lodging, and travel expenses. Contrast that with many televangelists today who own their own airplanes, drive luxury cars, and live in enormous mansions. One wonders what John might have to say about millionaire preachers!

We have been on the mission field for most of the last 32 years. It would be totally impossible for us to remain were it not for those who have faithfully supported us all these years, either with cash or with other assistance. There are those who have opened their homes to us. Some people have lent us vehicles. Many people have fed us. And at least one friend has kept our accounts and our tax records for us all these years. Doing all that from a remote part of rural Africa would be impossible!

John recognizes all those who are making ministry possible, and he has a special name for those helpers. John calls them “fellow workers.” Some people are called to go. Some people are called to stay home. But as long as they are helping in any fashion, whether by prayer or by financial support or by any other means, they are fellow workers and have a great share in the ministry to which God has called us.

PRAYER: Father God, thank you for your Word which is Light and Truth. Thank you for all those who are walking in the Light and who help minister in any fashion. May all of these helpers be blessed abundantly above all that they can ask or think. In the mighty Name of King Jesus. Amen.

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