Revelations 1:1 – 3 “This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass. He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, who testifies to everything he saw. This is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and obey what is written in it, because the time is near.”

Although John was the only one of Jesus’ original disciples who did not die as a martyr, he still endured great suffering. The Island of Patmos was a small island (6 miles x 10 miles) between Greece and Turkey that was noted for its marble quarries. Enemies of the Roman Empire were frequently sent to Patmos, there to toil and suffer and die ignominious deaths. Today, photos of Patmos show an island having white houses shining in the Aegean sun surrounded by a brilliant blue sea. At the time of John, a visitor described it as a “sterile island,” having sun – baked rocks with very few trees and no streams. John had to find shelter in a cave halfway up a mountain so that he could write about his visions. A helper named Prochoros evidently acted as John’s secretary.

John was exiled by the Emperor Domitian in 95 A.D. By then John was probably in his late 80’s or early 90’s. Anyone looking at the situation might have said that John’s position was hopeless and that his ministry had come to a frustrating end. But God is a God of infinite variety; He delights in causing iron gates to fall open and chains to fall off prisoners. John might have been shut away from the rest of the world, but God was there and no chains can bind the Holy Spirit! After years of shuttling around from one church to the next, giving messages and writing letters, now John had time and space to be quiet and to listen to God.

John’s exile on Patmos was not the first time that God had used a cave as a means of communicating with one of His servants. When the prophet Elijah had his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him. Elijah wound up in a cave on Mount Horeb where God outlined the rest of Elijah’s ministry for him. Caves are interesting places because you can be dry and safe, but you are also isolated. And many times, we need that isolation so that our spirits will become quiet enough to hear from God.

During the COVID restrictions of the last several months, many people have suffered from isolation, particularly those who have additional need of physical contact. But isolation is not necessarily bad. In an earlier era, children who grew up on farms learned how to do many things to entertain themselves. As a pre – schooler, I learned how to use simple hand tools, how to care for animals, how to do simple household chores, and even how to fry eggs, make toast, etc. My brothers and I built tree houses and made our own little sitting stools. We also worked in the fields for hours without radios, MP3 players, or any other entertainment. No of us was ever bored!

It is in quietness that we are able to hear the still small voice of God. Funny thing, but the God who created thunderstorms and tornadoes and hurricanes generally speaks very softly when he is talking with His servants.

Today, what is your situation? Do you feel isolated and cut off from family, friends, or colleagues? Perhaps this is the time that God wishes to speak to you. Find a quiet corner away from your cell phone or television. Next ask God to speak to you. Ask God to help you hear His voice. Ask God to help you to hear only His voice. And then wait. You will find that sooner or later, there will be simple phrases coming into your mind and there will be peace.

PRAYER: Father God, thank You that you are always more willing to speak to us than we are to listen to You. Thank You that you never turn anyone away when they truly want to hear from You. Help us to be quiet and to listen. Speak to the hearts of those who are waiting to hear from You. And give them the assurance that You are truly speaking to them. In the mighty Name of King Jesus. Amen.

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