Revelation 14:14:2-3 “And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the voice of great thunder, and the voice I heard was like the sound of harpers playing on their harps. And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders, and no one was able to learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased for God from the earth.”

William Barclay describes this song:

(i) It was like the sound of many waters. Here we are reminded of the power of the voice of God, for there is no power like the crash of the mountainous waves upon the beaches and the cliffs. Waves pounding on a seashore make a thrilling sound that can be heard long before the ocean comes into view.

(ii) It was like the voice of great thunder. Here we are reminded of the unmistakableness of the voice of God. No one can fail to hear the thunder-clap.

(iii) It was like the sound of many harpers playing on their harps. Here we are reminded of the melody of the voice of God. There is in that voice the gentle graciousness of sweet music to calm the troubled heart. The mark of the Holy Spirit is peace, and that peace would certainly pervade such music.

The Lamb’s company were singing a song which only they could learn. Here there is a truth which runs through all life. To learn certain things a man must be a certain kind of person. The Lamb’s company were able to learn the new song because they had passed through certain experiences.

(a) They had suffered. There are certain things which only sorrow can teach. As someone made the poets say: “We learned in suffering what we teach in song.” Sorrow can produce resentment but it can also produce faith and peace and a new song.

I don’t want to hear one more thing from someone who has not earned their Ph.D. in suffering!” I huffed to my friend. It was 1990 and we had been through some hellish experiences. Unfortunately, all too many acquaintances had offered meaningless platitudes that gave no comfort and only served to illustrate how little they understood our situation. The friends we learned to treasure the most were those who had also suffered great losses. That suffering had taught them humility and a willingness to listen rather than to jump to conclusions.

(b) They had lived in loyalty. It is clear that, as the years pass on, the leader will draw closer to his loyal followers and they to him; then he will be able to teach them things the unfaithful or spasmodic follower can never learn. Recently, one of our long – time friends died. This lady’s constant prayer was that she become closer to Jesus each day than she was the day before. Even though this lady had followed Jesus for most of her life, she continued to be a humble learner, grateful for any new insights that others might bring.

(c) That is another way of saying that the company of the Lamb had made steady progress in spiritual growth. A teacher can teach deeper things to a mature student than to an immature beginner. And Jesus Christ can reveal more treasures of wisdom to those who day by day grow up into him. The tragedy of so many is static Christianity. Growing closer to Jesus Christ is an ongoing dynamic process. Married couples with strong relationships testify that a good marriage takes work and commitment; it is the same with our relationship with Jesus. When couples first marry, they are sure that they can’t love each other any more than they do on their wedding days. But after years of living together and facing challenges, these couples realize that the love they have now far exceeds the love they had originally because now their love has stood the test of time. If we are to follow Jesus, we must study God’s Word and pray. God has promised that when we pray, He will give us knowledge and understanding.

PRAYER: Lord, please deliver us from static Christianity! Help us to grow daily in our faith. Give us a desire to know you better and more deeply. In the mighty Name of King Jesus. Amen.

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