ADVENT DEVOTIONAL DAY 22, DECEMBER 20, 2020 Lighting the Angel’s Candle, symbolizing peace

Luke 2: 8 “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And [c]behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid….13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill[e] toward men!”

Caesar Augustus ruled the Roman Empire. At that time, the Empire stretched out for roughly 10,000 kilometers. The Pax Romana, Roman Peace, was in full evidence, enforced by the Roman legions. And as a good conscientious administrator, Augustus wanted to know exactly how many citizens his empire contained. So, the decree went out from Rome – all over and every man had to return to his family’s place of origin, bringing his family along with him. The roads must have been clogged with people! Bethlehem was only a short distance from Jerusalem, so its citizens were used to travelers, but nothing like these crowds! Bethlehem was anything but peaceful! The noise of all those people and animals must have been deafening. The shepherds might have been thankful that they were out in the fields away from the insanity.

It’s a quiet night on the bleak hills outside Bethlehem. Someone has started a small fire and everyone has had their bread and cheese and wine for supper. All that can be heard is the night wind as it sighs through the grass. The sheep have bedded down and are quiet, only making occasional snuffling noises. Perhaps the shepherds have already decided who will be watching during which part of the night and are searching out comfortable places to sleep close to the sheep in case of attack by wild animals.

Suddenly the night sky blazes with heavenly light! The shepherds throw themselves flat on the ground or try to hide beside some big rocks. And then the angels deliver their incredible message! “Peace? Goodwill to men?” The first reaction of the shepherds must have been the Aramaic equivalent of “Say what???” At this point, the shepherds must have been in shock. But there was something about the angelic message that penetrated their panic, the word “peace.”

As the angels spoke the word “peace,” that peace must have actually entered the shepherds’ hearts and calmed their spirits. This peace could only have come from the Holy Spirit. And somehow that peace gave the shepherds the courage to go into Bethlehem and find the Baby Jesus.

This Christmas season has been one of many losses. Only recently we learned that a long – time friend had lost his battle with cancer and received his heavenly promotion a few days ago. We have friends who have lost loved ones to COVID and other problems. Our hearts go out to all of these families, particularly to any young children involved. A grieving husband told us recently that his young daughter keeps praying for God to send her mother back by Christmas; each time he hears her, his heart breaks all over again. For griefs as deep as these, there are no words. Only the peace of the Holy Spirit will be sufficient.

PRAYER: Father, many of us are grieving and hurting. We have pains in places that nobody can reach. Will you please send your Holy Spirit peace into our hearts and minds to heal us? In the mighty and precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

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