Today is a day to honor fathers, not to judge them!

Perhaps your father worked so hard he rarely had time for you-love him anyway! He was providing for you and the rest of the family.

Perhaps your father seemed to be emotionally distant-love him anyway! You don’t know how your father was raised; perhaps nobody ever modeled good fathering for him.

Perhaps you feel your father favored other children but not you-love him anyway! For all you know, those other children think you were your dad’s favorite!

Perhaps your family was torn apart by divorce-love your father anyway! There are always two sides to a story, and you might not know all the facts.

Perhaps your father has had to spend a great deal of time away from the family because he has been in the military or on assignment for some other reason-love him anyway!

Perhaps events have taken place causing you to doubt your father’s love-love him anyway!

Perhaps your dad has died or has disappeared, leaving your mom to pick up the pieces-wish her a Happy Father’s Day! Once she recovers from the shock, she’ll probably be thrilled. Nothing is much harder than being female and trying to be both mother and father for kids.

There is a saying in the American South that “Everybody is trying to swallow something he/she can’t get down.” In other words, those around us are always struggling with problems that we don’t know about. Even if you don’t feel like it, send your dad a Father’s Day message! Who knows? This might be the start of healing for you and your family. Give love and mercy, not judgment. And oh, by the way, Happy Father’s Day to you too, whoever you are!  

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