You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Once more, Jesus is drawing a distinction between heart attitudes and actions. Traditionally, the rabbis have taught that adultery is wrong; now Jesus is saying that even considering adultery is also wrong. Describing temptations, Martin Luther once said that just because birds are flying around your head does not mean that you must allow them to make nests in your hair. You can face temptation and refuse to give into it. Using Luther’s expression, Jesus would advise driving the birds away and not paying them undue attention. By the same token, lust that leads to adultery can be considered to extend to anything else that might become an object of lust-power, possessions, popularity, etc.

“It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.” Whoof! About now anybody in the audience who is falling asleep in the sunshine is suddenly waking up. What does Jesus mean? Jesus is not advocating self-mutilation, although misguided individuals have maimed themselves in attempts to become more holy. Jesus is actually saying that you shouldn’t use anything as an excuse for sinning.
We are fond of watching programs depicting the Australian and New Zealand Border Patrol stations. Even though incoming air passengers are furnished with declaration cards in many different languages, many of these people refuse to list the food, cash, and other items for which customs officials routinely check. And then the excuses begin: “My mother/girlfriend/boyfriend/neighbor packed my bag, and I have no idea what’s in it.” Bottom line: stop whining and do the right thing!

What about divorce? Even though the Mosaic Law was relatively restrained, by Jesus’ day, husbands could divorce their wives for the flimsiest of excuses, including burning the dinner. Although written bills of divorce were required, many scribes found employment in writing bills of divorce. The Jews were evidently adapting looser customs already practiced by the Greeks and Romans. Jesus is emphasizing the sanctity of marriage and the fact that a wife divorced for burning the dinner is still married in the eyes of God.

These days, the idea of divorce is a hot button, one that attracts all kinds of controversy. Let’s leave Jesus on that hillside for a moment and consider divorce. While traditional marriage vows are taken before God, these days, some people are writing vows that include all kinds of escape clauses. Those swearing the traditional marriage vows promise to be faithful to each other, no matter what. But sometimes extenuating circumstances do arise. Spouses prove to be adulterous or even abusive, sometimes leaving the other spouse no choice apart from separation and divorce to survive. Some spouses prove to be financially irresponsible, endangering the remaining spouse and children, if any. In such cases, only divorce will release the responsible spouse from being sucked down a financial black hole. The most important thing to remember when considering divorce and reasons for it is that God continues to love us despite our failures. Personally, I was forced to leave my first marriage for a variety of reasons; however, my second husband and I have recently celebrated our 42nd anniversary. Our advice: make certain that God is the foundation of your marriage and not merely sexual attraction or some other lessor purpose.

What about oaths? David Guzik makes the point that by the time of Jesus, the scribes and Pharisees had twisted the Mosaic law to allow using virtually every other name as part of an oath. There are times when oaths are necessary, in court, for example. But simply swearing an oath does not guarantee honesty; only behavior proves a person’s honesty. Swearing oaths in God’s name and then breaking those promises is essentially taking the name of the Lord in vain, something prohibited in the Ten Commandments. Far better to establish a reputation for being a man or woman of your word, so that people know they can always rely on you. Many times, the more elaborate the oath, the more suspect the individual!

Purity, commitment, and honesty-these are the things Jesus is teaching here. Why are these three points so vitally important? As mores deteriorate, we scramble to find people whom we can trust. Those who are true citizens of the Kingdom of God must demonstrate these qualities because God is pure, committed and honest also.

May God help us, so that we will become true citizens of the Kingdom of God!

PRAYER: Father God, thank You for loving us and for caring for us. Lord, help us to seek Your purity, to fulfill commitments to spouses, friends, and family, and to remain simple and honest. In the mighty and precious Name of King Jesus. Amen.

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