Matthew 6:1-4 Giving to the Needy (Deuteronomy 15:7-11)

“Be careful not to perform your righteous acts before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

The streets of Capernaum are thronging with people when suddenly, a trumpet blares out. Zachariah, one of the local Pharisees, is making his way to the temple and is about to give a donation. This trumpeter is to clear the way for Zachariah and also to announce to all and sundry that HERE is a man who REALLY KNOWS how to be generous and who REALLY serves God! Of course, some of Zachariah’s fellow citizens might have a different idea, given the fact that Zachariah all but steps on the fingers of the blind beggar sitting on the temple steps. The local vegetable sellers have horror stories about trying to sell their produce to Zachariah’s household, for Zachariah never wants to pay full price but haggles over every penny. There’s also the small fact that Zachariah is a canny businessman who loves to get the best deal he possibly can. If you’re purchasing something from Zachariah, the hated Romans have a saying that applies: Caveat emptor-let the buyer beware!

Jesus has been around Capernaum and other towns long enough to observe the behavior of the professional religious people. As Jesus is describing this scene to his audience, you can see people elbowing one another, “Yes, that’s Zachariah all right! And then there’s his brother Abraham, who’s just as bad if not worse!” Yes, people are used to such behavior, but now Jesus is adding a new thought: God is not impressed by show-offs and hypocrites.

Jesus is teaching something revolutionary: you can either be rewarded for your generosity here and now, or you do generous deeds in such secrecy that one of your hands doesn’t even know what the other hand is doing. Why not get as much praise as possible? We have choices: get approbation from our friends and neighbors now, or do generous deeds in secret and allow God to reward us. How long does praise from people last? A few minutes at most. But when we give generously without seeking praise or attention, God can bless us in ways we cannot even imagine.

Why else should we give generously? God has given us everything that has come to us. As long as we keep our hands open and keep passing things on to others, God will continue to give us more. As soon as we insist on being grabby and hanging on to God’s gifts, the flow will stop because God wants to use us as channels of blessing to others.

Anyone doubting that these principles work should study the life of George Mueller. After becoming a Christian in his late twenties, Mueller wound up in Bristol, England, at a time when many diseases were rife, resulting in large numbers of orphans roaming the streets. Mueller began taking in orphaned boys, but soon realized there were many orphaned girls needing shelter and education as well. Mueller depended totally on God to bring in donations and had wonderful stories of bakers and milkmen suddenly turning up with bread and milk just in time for a meal. Eventually Mueller’s orphanages served more than 10,000 children, in addition to which, Mueller also supported Hudson Taylor’s China Inland Mission and a number of other ministries. Mueller himself regularly made anonymous donations, listing himself only as “one who wants to see rewards in heaven.”

We have been on the mission field for most of the last 36 years, depending on contributions for most of that time. Currently, donations from supporters are helping our hospital as well as educating a large number of students and providing feeding and medicine for patients on admission. Our experiences bear witness to God’s faithfulness and His provision. Each month when we write reports, we are amazed at the number of people God has blessed through these donations. Recently, a young man came to thank us for the help we had given his pregnant wife. This man brought a guinea fowl and money as part -repayment for our help. We immediately turned the money over to our hospital chaplain to help others and advised the man to use the rest of the money for his farming activities this year. (The chaplain’s family enjoyed the guinea fowl.)

Are we worried about rewards? No. Are we passionate about helping people so that they will know the love of Jesus? Yes. God keeps far better books than we ever can and God knows the needs of those around us. You might feel that you have no money with which to help others; however, when you ask God, He can show you avenues of service that you have never imagined before. Praying with people and for people, encouraging others, sharing whatever you have-all these are ways of giving that God can and will bless. May God open your eyes to the opportunities around you!

Can this walk of faith become frightening? Yes. Sometimes we must beg God to remind us of all He has already done. But God has never failed us, and we have faith that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion. When Joshua was about to die, he told the Israelites, “Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.”  Trust God and give freely. God will amaze you!

PRAYER: Father God, thank You for loving us and for caring for us. Lord, help us to receive and to give with open hands, realizing that the more we give, the more You will make available. Help us to be channels of blessing to all around us. In the mighty and precious Name of King Jesus. Amen.

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